I ‘drove’ one of these when I was a kid
Last week I went to João Pessoa in the north-east of Brazil for the Braz Tesol conference. It is a conference that draws together English language teachers from all over Brazil, as well as attracting people from different parts of the world.
One of the best plenaries that I went to was given by J.J. Wilson on the subject of teacher development. One of the activities we did was called ‘Where I’m from’ with the intention of showing that our origins can have a profound effect on our teaching, training and everything else we do in life.
I loved the activity so much because in such a short time I was able to articulate some of the major influences in my life. And so, instead of leaving it gather dust in some forgotten notepad that I know I’ll never pick up again, I thought I’d share it here.
Where I’m From
I am from parks, mud and bi-polar trees
I am from cobs, bostin, and the outdoor
I am from paper rounds, dog walks and 3-hour bus rides
I am from the Bull Ring with its Rotunda, treks around the Lickeys and lost sporting causes
I am from Cadbury’s and Ansell’s and fading memories of Leyland.
I am from rain, mist, wind, radiators and ice inside windows.
I am from unliked tea, cottage pie, chips and vinegar and red sauce.
I am from the bog, a huge kitchen table, badly-understood locals, a range and even more rain.
I am from books, education, paper rounds, politics and strong women.
J.J. Wilson was inspired to create this class from an original poem by George Ella Lyon, You can find the poem here or listen to her reading the poem below taken from youtube (from 45 seconds). Also on youtube, there are countless variations on the theme as many other people have sought to write their own poems about where they are from.
This post is my part of the Multicultural Kids Blogging Carnival for the month of May. It is my pleasure to host the blog this month and it will be live on this blog from Thursday, May 15th. For more information on this carnival, all the other carnivals and lots more about raising multicultural kids click on the image below.